Fairfax SYC and Jeff Wolfe ROC results
Congratulation to Brian Park for his second place finish at the Fairfax SYC. Brian went undefeated in the pool and he won 4 direct elimination bouts to make it to the final. The next day Brian entered the FAP RYC in Philadelphia to try to secure his Y14 USFA patch. With his 2nd place finish in the Y14 men's epee Brian won the 2016-2017 regional standing and will receive a USFA patch.
Also congratulation to Maxine Shvachkin for her 8th place finish in the Jeff Wolfe ROC. With her first top 8 ROC finish Maxine moved up on the national standing and she can enter the National championship with good expectations.
In addition to Maxine and Brian Layla Roy won the Cobra beginner Youth Challenge under 10 women's foil event. Layla seems to be very confident in her age group since this is her second gold within a few weeks period. Rockland Fencers Club and it's coaches are very proud and happy for these hard working young athletes's success.